Got an Answer Already!

Well, that was fast.

I received my answer to my long winded “Can Trunks use the Namekian Knowledge Mastery” question (see last entry). Their response:


While your explanation is well thought out and clearly written, the only current MPs that may use the Namekian Knowledge Mastery are Gohan, Piccolo, and Nail. I appreciate your obvious passion and knowledge, thanks for sharing your opinion!

Richie Williams

First, love the fact that they responded so quickly.

Second, I wish they would have given a bit more reasoning behind it, but I understand. It’s their game. Their rules. I get it, I really do.

Finally, I guess I’ll just go back to my Namekian Nail build now. It was a fun idea while it lasted. Maybe in four or five sets, once we get a proper young Trunks, I can build the Namekian Prince of Saiyans deck of my dreams.

Yes, I am calling Trunks the Prince of Saiyans. King Vegeta died, meaning his heir becomes the new King. While I love hearing Vegeta scream “I am the Prince of all Saiyans” at the top of his voice, he was their new King. Trunks is the Prince of Saiyans.

Anyways, that’s it for this one. Later, Z-Warriors.

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