Tag Archives: Hordes

WarMachine/Hordes- First Real Game…

This past Sunday, I was finally able to sit down and get my first real taste of WarMachine (and a little Hordes, too) since we purchased some starters back at GenCon 50.

I was playing a Retribution Of Scyrah build while my friend/teacher/way too patient Scott ran a Mercenary build. We decided on 50 points but I didn’t realize that there were fewer points than that in any of the starters I bought (especially the ones from Privateer Press’ Black Friday sale). So we ended up just doing Warcaster and Warjack vs Warcaster and Warjack.

And as with every game I’ve ever played against Scott, I was obliterated. Needless to say more practice, and more miniatures, are required!

These guys haven’t even been primered yet, but the weather has been too cold for any of that fun stuff. I have a pair of Trollbloods that I’ve been working on here and there that I started on before winter set in. Another friend gave me a starter to add to the fun and I figured I’d practice on them first.

Not too shabby if I do say so myself.

Anyways, keep your dice warm and happy gaming!