‘The Late Night Players’ On Instagram

Did you know that we, The Late Night Players, are on Instagram?

Recently cleaned up and stream lined

That’s right. Hop over to https://www.instagram.com/thelatenightplayers to follow us!

We’ve recently cleaned up the page. We are wanting to use our Instagram account to post things in the moment, short reviews, or breaking news as it happens. It is also one of the quickest and easiest ways to communicate with us in real time.

If you don’t like Instagram, you can always email us directly at thelatenightplayers@gmail.com.

Deadpool (And Company) Ride Into ‘Marvel Crisis Protocol’ In Style

File this under things we weren’t expecting to be talking about this soon, but are more than happy to, Atomic Mass Games released a new trailer featuring everyone’s favorite “Merc with a Mouth” – Deadpool!

Not only do we get a look at a fantastically sculpted Deadpool, they show off that he’ll be packaged with Hydra Bob and a taco truck! Oh, Cable, Domino, Scarlet Witch, Quicksilver, and Mr. Sinister are coming too.


Lets take a breath and sort this out.

First and foremost, Deadpool was teased in the stinger of AMG’s Gen Con Live X-Men/Brotherhood announcement video back in August. Scarlet Witch, Quicksilver, Cable, and Domino were teased with the Affiliation lists when the mutants came out earlier this month. Hydra Bob, Mr. Sinister, and the Taco Truck are brand new characters (and terrain) that we haven’t been expecting (only hoping for).

Next is the looks of the models. Scarlet Witch and Quicksilver (two of our most wanted) are represented in their classic costumes, easily recognizable as members of the villains Brotherhood of Evil Mutants or earning their redemption as members of the Avengers. Scarlet Witch looks rather imposing with the hex aura weaving and wrapping around her.

Cable, Domino and Mr. Sinister look like they stepped from the panels, as well. We know some fans out there will be slightly disappointed with Domino not resembling the fantastic version from Deadpool 2, played by the utterly fabulous Zazie Beetz. We’re sure some far more talent hobbyists than us out there will make a custom head sculpt for her. Or it’s quiet possible she’ll come with alternate heads.

Next, speaking of alternate heads, it looks like out favorite fourth-wall breaking mutant will offer the most options for alternate heads to date on any Marvel Crisis Protocol model. With four alternate heads (so far), including heart-shaped eyes, Deadpool is a prime candidate for magnetizing.

To top it off, the Deadpool and Hydra Bob kit also includes a piece of terrain in the form of the a Taco Truck!

After the previous teasers of the Inhumans, this was a pleasant surprise as it shifts the focus back to Marvel’s Merry Band of Mutants. Of course, Deadpool is basically a license to print money. Though we have already heard a fair bit of annoyance about the sculpt through Facebook and Discord, but we love it. The “Fwoosh!” sound effect just offers that small bit of wall breaking that we were all curious of how it would translate to the table top.

And an interesting thing to note, however, is the announcement’s tease of the boxes include the packs CP# (Character Pack Number). Three of the kits are CP45 through CP47. Scarlet Witch and Quicksilver out outliers at CP63. That makes 15 sets between Cable and Domino (CP47) and the twins (CP63). We’re still missing information on CP33 through CP38, for a total of 21 missing sets. That is another discussion for another day, however.

So what do you all think? Are we in for a year of only mutant-related releases, or do you think Atomic Mass Games will give us a good mix? Excited, underwhelmed or just plain whelmed on Deadpool’s sculpt and head options? Let us know in the comments below.

Until next time, keep your dice warm and happy gaming.

“See you all in 2021!”

‘Red Horizon’ Intro Decks for ‘Universus’

Jasco Games has launched two new intro decks for UniVersus. These 30-card decks featuring Kaden and Reese will include a mix of new cards and reprints, each using the new card layout of UniVersus that we can expect going forward with next year’s My Hero Academia set.

The decks are currently $10.99 for the set and can be ordered through DriveThruCards here.

‘Warhammer 40,000’ BattleForce Boxes

Games Workshop showed off their new line of BattleForce boxes for Warhammer 40K recently.

As many of you know, we started down the road to the grim dark future of Warhammer 40K earlier this year at the beginning of the lockdown. One of the biggest driving forces behind that was the loaded Indomitus box set for 9th Edition. Space Marines vs Necrons. Of course, we also picked up the Warhammer 40K: Kill Team starter, featuring Space Wolves vs the T’au.

From a standpoint of our Indomitus purchase, the Space Marines and Necrons offer a fantastic expansion for those forces:

Space Marines: Battleforce – Interdiction Force adds a Captain in Phobos Armour, 10 Infiltrators/Incursors, 10 Reivers, an Invictor Tactical Warsuit, and Impulsor transport to your army.

Necrons: Battleforce – Eradication Legion brings 0 Warriors, 5 Immortals/Deathmarks, 5 Triarch Praetorians/Lychguard, a Canoptek Spyder, a Triach Stalker, a Doomscythe/Nightscythe, and a Technomancer to the table top.

Expanding on the T’au portion of the Killteam starter box, the T’au Empire: Battleforce – Starpulse Cadre adds 10 Fire Warriors, 10 Pathfinders, 3 Crisis Battlesuits, 1 Broadside Battlesuit, a Piranha, a Commander, and a multitude of Drones to the empire.

They showed off additional boxes for the likes of the Chaos Space Marines, Tryanids, Blood Angels, and more, but we are loving the look of the Necrons box the best. You can check out the rest of the boxes, as well Battleforce boxes for Age of Sigmar, in the link at the top fo the article. We will admit, a little disappointing not seeing a box for the Sisters of Battle as that is the one faction we’ve been eyes since before making our first purchases.

Will you be adding any of these to your collection? Does one stick out as a better value than any of the others? Sound off in the commends below and let us know.

As always, keep your dice warm and happy gaming.

‘Guardians of the Galaxy’ Join the Fight in ‘Marvel Champions

Fantasy Flight Games has showed off their next Campaign Expansion for Marvel ChampionsThe Galaxy’s Most Wanted.

The Galaxy’s Most Wanted features two all-new prebuilt decks, focused around Rocket Raccoon and Groot, as well as multiple new scenarios featuring villains like The Collector and Drang.

Along with new characters and villains, the Campaign Expansion adds fan favorite relics of the Guardians of the Galaxy like their ship, the Milano, and Rocket’s trust Rocket Launcher.

While the expansion is focused on Rocket (an Aggression aspect deck with a love of Tech) and Groot (a Protection aspect deck), they did tease that other Guardians will appear in four future Hero Packs. Star Lord, Gamora, and Drax are all but guaranteed, so who would be the fourth Hero Pack? I’m personally hoping for Angela, lost-sister to Thor and Loki, who has been making a name for herself with the Guardians. Nebula is more than likely the fourth, though.

The new expansion has no firm release date beyond a “Q1 2021” from Fantasy Flight, but the price is marked at $39.99. This is inline with their previous Campaign Expansion, Rise of the Red Skull.

Fantasy Flight sprinkled a few teasers of the cards included within Galaxy’s Most Wanted

Let us know in the comments below if this is going to be an expansion you plan on picking up.

Until next time, keep your dice warm and happy gaming.

Full Model Reveal For The InHumans In ‘Crisis Protocol’

The other day we wrote about the little teases Atomic Mass Games were giving out for the Inhumans for Marvel Crisis Protocol. Over the last few days, they have dropped full image reveals, and are they beautiful.

Each of the models has a sense of character and movement that hasn’t really been seen in the game up until this point. Don’t get us wrong, Atomic Mass has made some of the most beautiful super hero miniatures we’ve seen, but some of them just feel…static. These Inhuman models don’t feel that way. Crystal and Lockjaw are absolutely phenomenal.

Seriously, how can you look at that Lockjaw model and not just say “Awww…”?

That being said, this brings us to a point of contention that we’ve been having with Marvel Crisis Protocol as we go into our second year of the game- the stock bases.

We understand that there is a percentage of this hobby that is just that, a hobby, but the level of skill varies between everyone. There are players, several of us included, that would argue that we lack the skill to make custom bases for this game that do the models justice. The battlefields of the Marvel Universe are as vast and unique as the characters fighting the battles, so to constantly have the same city bases is getting rather boring (especially considering the organized play rules require modeled bases). We would love to either see changes to the included bases or for Atomic Mass Games to offer a series of premium bases separate from the models (much like what Games Workshop offers for their lines).

Granted, there are a number of third parties that make alternatives. However, we’d like to keep throwing money at those guys and gals that make the games we love.

So, now that they are shown in full, what do you think? Ready to field the Inhumans on your boards or are you sitting this release out? Let us know in the comments below.

As always, until next time, keep your dice warm and happy gaming.

‘Inhumans’ Coming To ‘Marvel Crisis Protocol’

Update: Atomic Mass Games teased two more members of the Inhumans this afternoon:

The top is Medusa, queen of the Inhumans and wife of Black Bolt. A strong leader with the ability to manipulate her hair into a living weapon. The second image is a tease for Crystal, sister of Medusa and master of the elements. Along with the Inhumans, both of them have been members of the Fantastic Four.

Original Story: Atomic Mass Games has dropped some rather inhuman teasers over the last couple days (see what I did there?):

Obviously there is no mistaking who these two characters are. First we have Black Bolt, silent king of the Inhumans. Then we have Lockjaw, the Inhumans’ loyal hound and teleporter. The possibilities for these two alone make for some interesting theorizing. What kind of non-op power do you give Black Bolt to really represent his abilities (he can destroy mountains with a whisper)? Will Lockjaw be our first mult-figure carrier?

No timeline has been given on these, or information on how many of the Inhumans we can expect to see roll out (I’m hoping for Medusa and Crystal at least), but I wouldn’t expect to see them until Feb/March at the latest. They confirmed during a recent live stream that no new models will release in December. She-Hulk and Angela/Enchantress are looking to be January’s releases, so that leaves February as our first free month.

Thought, as excited as I am for the Inhumans (and more of the cosmic side of the Marvel Universe), the fact that we are inching closer to the Fantastic Four is what has me the most excited.

What about you? Excited for the newest teasers? Disappointed? Let us know in the comments below.

Until next time, keep your dice warm and happy gaming.